Discovering the Best Wrinkle Treatment Cream

29.04.2009 10:02
The replacement of old cells in the face begins to slow as you age, making the process take twice as long as when a person is younger. This makes the face appear dull and somewhat dirty even when the face is kept on a daily cleansing schedule. This also means that the face begins to lose its elasticity so that when the face makes certain expressions throughout the day which causes the skin to fold in certain ways, the skin does not bounce back as easily as it once did and starts to form wrinkles. Because of this, the market for anti-wrinkle treatments is huge, especially those in search for the best wrinkle treatment cream. People are living longer now than ever yet still want to look as young and vibrant as possible.The Best Wrinkle Treatment CreamsWrinkle treatment creams are touted all over the health care market and whilst the best wrinkle treatment creams have definite benefits others seem to have little to no effect. Those that are most effective help to stimulate the collagen in the skin which makes the skin stronger and more elastic, giving it the ability to retain its shape rather than create wrinkles. Some of these wrinkle treatment creams can be remarkably expensive. However, compared to laser treatment or thermage, therefore finding the best wrinkle treatment creams can be a good alternative, and definitely less painful than these other treatments for wrinkles.The area where wrinkles usually first appear is around the eyes, so there are many wrinkle treatment creams designed to be safe for this region and to work well on the sensitive skin around the eyes to prevent wrinkles. The problem with this type of wrinkle treatment cream is that it has to be used consistently in order to see results in the eye region and to prevent any new wrinkles from occurring. In addition, if you were to add up the cost of all the years of buying different wrinkle treatment creams you could have afforded to buy a more permanent solution such as thermage, which will last the person up to five years before needing any additional treatment.There is also surgery such as the surgical eye lift that can work much more quickly than wrinkle treatment cream, however, it is painful and costs thousands of dollars. Along with this, there are Botox or collagen injections which can help to fill in the wrinkles that the wrinkle treatment cream helps to repair, and lasts from three to six months before requiring another treatment. Overall, these injections are slightly painful, unlike the wrinkle treatment creams, and cost more initially than the creams do in most cases.

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